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What is the cloud signature or centralized signature?

The cloud signature or centralized signature is a secure authentication solution that improves the usability of the signature.

As its name suggests, it is characterized by the fact that the digital certificate is stored in a Hardware Security Module (HSM), and the user is able to access it whenever he wants to sign a document digitally, after robust authentication of his identity.

Robust identification requires at least two identification procedures that are:

  • Something that \”the user knows\” (password)
  • Something \”the user has\” (key card, sms token, OTP token)
  • Something the user \’\’makes or is\’\’ (signature, voice-over, fingerprint, iris and other biometric factors)

Therefore, the certificate is never in the hands of the owner of the certificate, but it can be accessed by the owner whenever he needs to. Authenticating without the need to install any certificate or software in the device from where the process is carried out.

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