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Santo Domingo

Viavansi participates in the International Digital Signature Conference in Santo Domingo (DR)

Viavansi group participates in the international seminar on digital signature to analyze its main uses, solutions and applications. In addition, the speakers took advantage of the day to discuss the digital transformation of the Dominican Republic.

The Attorney General’s Office of the Dominican Republic, with the collaboration of major international entities, decided to hold a meeting to analyze the situation of digital signatures in the country and bring open government closer to citizens.

The seminar was attended by speakers from international entities such as Barclaycard, Mercofact and Viafirma. During the seminar, company representatives, accompanied by members of the Dominican administration (Attorney General’s Office, Indotel, OPTIC, DGII, among others) discussed the solutions, applications and advantages offered by digital signatures.

Key elements for e-Government, such as digital signatures and registration authorizations, were analyzed. There was also a presentation of mobility and authentication solutions through biometric technology, as well as new trends in electronic signatures.

The term open government was also analyzed during the seminar. The Viavansi group showed the advantages that Open Data, Transparency and Citizen Participation solutions bring to society.

The main part of the conference focused on the presentation of each company’s own experiences, their most important success stories and the subsequent debate on the impact of digital transformation and its importance for organizations and institutions.

Avansi, hacia una “República Digital”

“With the celebration of this International Digital Signature Seminar, we can affirm that the Digital Republic has been initiated from the Attorney General’s Office, sharing experiences and knowledge with the objective of promoting innovative initiatives in favor of citizens.”

These are the words of the Attorney General of the Republic, Jean Alain Rodríguez, who highlighted after the event the efforts made by the government to turn the Dominican Republic into a “digital country”.

In the evolution of the Dominican Republic towards a ‘Digital Republic’, the Dominican subsidiary of the Viavansi group, Avansi, the first authorized certification authority in the country, has played an important role.

Avansi works in the development of software for Public Administration. It specializes in the telematic segment of the administration for the citizen and in the development of electronic signature and open government solutions.

To carry out its work in the Dominican Republic and facilitate the Digital Transformation process to the different entities and institutions of the country, the Viavansi group uses the Viafirma suite of products, focused on mobility and digital signature, and OGoov, focused on Open Government.

The event ended with the possibility of expanding the network of contacts of both participants and attendees, which provided an opportunity for networking with international companies and public institutions present at the conference.


Sources https://elnacional.com.do/resaltan-esfuerzos-impulsar-pais-digital/ https://www.viafirma.do

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