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Revoke digital certificate: 3 steps to follow

Did you know that revoking a digital certificate can protect you from possible fraud and unauthorized access? Yes, as a digital citizen, you may know that the use of this certificate has become a key tool to access and perform online transactions and operations, as long as it is used responsibly. However, there may be occasions when it is necessary to revoke digital certificate before its expiration.

Do you want to know the steps to follow to complete this process and the reasons for doing so? Whether due to loss, change of personal responsibilities or any other circumstance, we give you the main keys. Keep reading!

What does it mean to ‘revoke digital certificate’?

Before getting into the subject of how to revoke the digital certificate, it is necessary to point out what this term refers to.

When we talk about cancelling or revoking a digital certificate, we mean cancelling its validity before its expiration date. This is an irreversible process, i.e., once the certificate has been cancelled, it cannot be used for electronic transactions. However, revoking or cancelling the digital certificate is essential to avoid fraud in certain situations or its misuse.

When to cancel the digital certificate?

As we have mentioned, there are several situations in which it is necessary to revoke the digital certificate. In the following list you can find some of the most frequent ones:

  • Loss or theft of the device on which the certificate is installed;
  • Compromise of the private key. That is, if it is suspected that another person has had access to our private key;
  • Erroneous certificate information;
  • Change of personal or work responsibilities (employee changes role or company);
  • Expiration or renewal. In the case of renewing the certificate, it is convenient to revoke it previously.

How to revoke digital certificate

The procedure to follow to cancel or revoke a digital certificate is not always the same, since it may vary depending on the issuing entity. However, broadly speaking, the steps to follow are those mentioned below:

Methodology in 3 steps to revoke digital certificate

Access to the Certification Authority (CA) portal

The first step to revoke the digital certificate is to access the website of the Certificate Authority that issued it. In Spain, one of the main trusted entities that issues this certificate is the FNMT, although there are other public and private organizations that perform this function.

Digital identification

The next step is to identify yourself digitally, always in a secure way. This step can be done in different ways:

  • Online, for which you must use your digital certificate;
  • In person at an Accreditation Office, in case your certificate has been lost or stolen.

Revocation request

Once inside, you will have to complete a form with data such as:

  • Serial number of the certificate to be revoked;
  • Reason for the revocation;
  • If the certificate holder is someone else, personal data will be requested.

After sending the request, the relevant Certification Authority will verify it and will issue the certificate revocation if everything is in order. In this case, you will receive a notification confirming that the process has been completed and, in effect, the certificate has been revoked. To obtain a new certificate, you must apply for a new one by following the necessary steps.

Protect your digital identity

As you have seen, revoking your digital certificate at the FNMT is a fundamental security measure to protect your personal identity in certain situations. To do so, you must follow the steps indicated by the FNMT or the corresponding Certification Authority and, possibly, request a new digital certificate if necessary. If you still do not know its great advantages, we tell you here what is digital certificate used for. And remember, digital security begins with the correct use of your tools and credentials.

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