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Lease agreements with Viafirma

The electronic signature is becoming more and more established and we are making greater use of it. There are many areas and uses in which it is gaining presence. Did you know that you can also send and sign lease agreements with electronic signature?

However, in order to use it correctly, it is essential to know aspects such as how it works or its legal validity at a global level.

For that reason, last June we conducted a training workshop on our YouTube channel about sending and signing rental contracts with electronic signatures with tenants anywhere in the world. In this blog post we tell you how you can use it, what is the process to create it and how to make signatures easily.

Process for signing lease agreements with electronic signature

  • Create signature request

In order to sign rental contracts with electronic signature, the first thing to do is to create a signature request in Viafirma Documents. To do this, we select the options ‘sign a document’ and ‘import template’. In our training workshop we used a specific template for the explanation, but another one can be imported. As our demonstration document was a template, it has already created the spaces for the signature of the lessor and the lessee.


  • Write the application

Once the data of both parts are filled in, Viafirma Documents will redirect us to a process of writing the application, which will have almost everything filled in by default. Even so, certain options are modifiable and can be altered according to the user’s preference. In this example we add an extra image or SMS verification fields.


  • Customize settings and send 

In the summary part, we can edit the settings for scheduling and sending the signature request. We can set a deadline, reminder or required reading, among others. By clicking on ‘send’, we will have sent the signature request to both the lessor and the lessee.



  • Signature of the lessor

The landlord will first receive the signature request by e-mail. Through this link, he will have access to the application to fill in contract and housing data, which will have been previously entered, as well as contact details. These will be added to the document and it will be ready to sign.

To accept the document and verify your identity as a lessor, you must enter within 5 minutes the code received by SMS, which is unique and different each time. With his handwritten or electronic signature, as indicated, the lessor will have completed his part. Thanks to this code we verify the identity of the signatory.


  • Tenant’s signature

Finally, the tenant will receive the fully completed document by email to review and sign the rental contract. Like the lessor, he/she will have to accept the document at the time of signing with an SMS verification code, and then sign.

At the end of the e-signature lease signing process, participants will receive a copy of the document signed by all parties, along with a signature audit: a document that proves the integrity of the document, i.e. that it is true and has not been corrupted or manipulated in any way. Thus, the act of signing lease agreements with electronic signature will have been done easily and quickly, with the great benefits of the electronic signature.

Sign lease agreements with Viafirma’s electronic signature

Do you want to start signing your rental contracts with digital solutions? Choose Viafirma. We have been developing solutions related to electronic signature and digital identity for more than 23 years, helping real estate companies in their digital transformation processes, in a safe and efficient way.

We are also registered with the European body elDAS, which regulates all trust services, including electronic signatures and time stamps. This regulation is currently the most rigorous in existence, and many countries are using it as the basis for their own national standards. Therefore, our digital signature solution maintains the legality and validity of manually signed documents globally.

Do you have questions or need more details?

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The best electronic signature and digital signature solution for your business.

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