How can we summarize Viafirma’s 2019 and what are our expectations for 2020? We look back and, at the same time, we look to the future in this interview with Antonio Cabrera, CEO and founder of Viafirma.
Looking back on the year ahead, what has been your biggest learning experience?
Viafirma has been consolidating its position in the field of electronic signature for 19 years, when talking about this subject was like preaching in the desert. We did it thinking in the long term, with the conviction that the market was going to grow in the future and that more signatures would be signed telematically than in the traditional way.
From there, what we have done is to adapt this conviction to define and develop very good products that respond to these needs and, at the same time, create a sustainable structure over time.
We have waited for the market and time has proved us right, this year was the first year that we have left behind the long custom developments and lived exclusively from our electronic signature products. However, we can now focus exclusively on what we have always wanted to do.
What makes you most proud of Viafirma?
That with modest resources we are very competitive. We have no external financing, everything has been done with organic growth, without investment rounds, we are faithful to a model that only looks at the market; which fills us with satisfaction because it makes us competitive and sustainable, and all thanks to our customers.

How important has Viafirma’s team been in the achievements of 2019?
The team has been a determining factor. One of the hallmarks of the company is the very low staff turnover rate, something difficult to achieve for a technology company. This is due to a very simple reason: talent is what gives value to a company and it has to be retained by trying to keep the know-how within the company.
How has Viafirma improved Spanish companies in 2019?
As a small company, we are able to compete with products in all market segments. Our competitors’ products have limited functionalities and do not adapt to all scenarios, but we cover the whole range of needs. I believe that in the Spanish market no other company has this variety of solutions that Viafirma has.
Viafirma allows a company to cover all its needs exclusively with Viafirma’s products, without having to contract several products or services from different companies at the same time. This is a very important value that we are able to provide.
Focusing on the needs of large companies, these depend on different scenarios (internal procedures, specific customers, biometric signature, etc.). In these different situations, we offer different types of electronic signatures that we can combine as a package.
Why should companies in Spain implement digital signatures by 2020?
Because society has to go digital. The paper model has to be forgotten for many reasons, as a favor to the environment, because of the costs involved (courier, paper, ink, printing, storage, time…). A company that wants to be competitive cannot ignore the electronic signature.
Considering the previous question, why Viafirma?
Because we can solve all business problems related to identity management and digital signature from a global solution, with integration, ease and in a very economical way.
How many people from how many countries have used Viafirma’s electronic signature in 2019?
It can be answered consistently, but it is impossible to quantify exactly, since with some licenses you can sign unlimitedly. It would be like asking a pen manufacturer how many people sign their product.
Taking into account the licensing modalities in which if we control the number of operations and adding it to an estimate of minimum volumes in large accounts with unlimited use licenses, we estimate that by the end of the year we will comfortably exceed 550 million signatures, 150 million users and 600,000 connected devices in the 15 countries in Europe and Latin America where we currently operate.

What are the forecasts for 2020?
The main aspects are to consolidate our position as a product company in Spain, new alliances with partners and, on the other hand, to initiate expansion in English-speaking countries.
What’s new in 2020?
At the beginning of 2020 we will be certified as a Qualified Trusted Service Provider for the whole of Europe, specifically, we will provide the Qualified Time Stamp Service, consolidating our position in the electronic identity and signature market.
In the field of innovation and R&D, within the projects in force, we can highlight that in 2020 the INNOWWIDE project will culminate. In 2019 we were selected among almost 400 companies from 35 EU countries for this pilot experience to assess the feasibility of collaborative and innovative business solutions in global markets.
Within this effort of continuous adaptation to market needs and special concern for the user experience of our solutions, a new version of Viafirma Documents will be released in 2020, with a renewed interface and more intuitive procedures.
A wish for the coming year
To continue with the same enthusiasm to go to work every day. Also that our clients do not feel disappointed and continue with the same satisfaction that they are transmitting to us with the use of Viafirma’s products.
With the words of our CEO we end an exciting 2019 full of achievements, and looking forward to a future 2020 full of exciting news and challenges. Thank you very much for being by our side this 2019. We promise to continue bringing you in the new year all the news about digital signature and digital transformation. On behalf of the entire Viafirma team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and prosperous 2020.