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Why have you received this message?

If you have received an email, a Whatsapp or an SMS from us, it is because a company or entity with which you have a relationship is using Viafirma to send you signature requests in a secure and legal way.

Viafirma acts as an intermediary platform to guarantee that the signature of documents between companies and their clients comply with the highest security and legal validity standards. This means that, although the message comes from our platform, the content is responsibility of the entity that has sent it.

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What should you do?

Access the content: Follow the instructions provided in the message to check and sign the document.

Verify authenticity: Our technology ensures that the communication is secure and comes from a trusted source.

Resolve your doubts: If you have questions about the content of the message, contact the entity that sent it directly.

Your security is our priority

At Viafirma, we use advanced encryption technology and comply with current regulations, such as the eIDAS Regulation, to ensure that signature requests are authentic, integral and legally valid.

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The best electronic and digital signature solution for your business

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