picel meta
Perro observando a un gato con una pata levantada, representando la convivencia de mascotas y la importancia de contar con un seguro para perros que proteja ante imprevistos

Dog insurance

Are you more of a dog or cat person? According to AMVAC and AEDPAC, half of Spaniards live with a pet, which reflects how these companions have become a member of the family. Caring for them, giving them affection and ensuring their welfare and protection are now priorities for many people. In addition, having insurance for dogs or pets, adequate to protect them against unforeseen events, is essential, as more and more families are aware of the responsibility that having a pet implies.

For this reason, it has been essential to adapt the legal system through Law 17/2021 and Law 7/2023, also known as the Animal Welfare Law, which reinforce the protection of our furry friends. Do you want to know more details, read on!

Animal Welfare Law

September 29 marked one year since the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) went into effect. As a whole, the law seeks to protect and guarantee the rights, welfare, respect and good care of companion animals (dogs, cats and ferrets), and wild species included in the positive list of companion animals.

The aforementioned law includes general indications such as:

  • Identification by means of microchip
  • A training course for responsible ownership
  • The care and medical attention of the animal
  • Its correct education and handling.

In addition, its content also prohibits certain practices. However, since its entry into force, one of the most important points has been the obligation to have a Civil Liability Insurance.

Civil Liability Insurance

As you have read, if you do not already have it, it is mandatory to take out Civil Liability Insurance for your dog or pet. However, before deciding on one insurance company or another, you should know what exactly is the Civil Liability Insurance.

What is Liability Insurance?

The Civil Liability Insurance is a policy that covers the damages that a pet or dog may cause to third parties, whether they are material damages or accidents to another person or canine. If this is the case but you have the appropriate insurance, the insurer will take care of the expenses related to the incident. In case of not having this insurance, the owners could face fines.

Other types of dog insurance

In addition to liability insurance, there is also pet health insurance. Given the obligation to guarantee responsible care for pets, this insurance covers medical and surgical expenses related to illnesses or accidents that the pet may suffer. Therefore, pet health insurance could include everything from a visit to the veterinarian for consultations to surgical or medical treatments that your companion may need.

What is covered by dog insurance

It is important to point out that although Civil Liability insurance for your pet is mandatory, not all insurance companies offer the same coverage and exclusions, so it is essential to carefully read the conditions of each company before making your choice.

Below, we detail the most common coverages, as well as their exclusions, in dog insurance:

  • Veterinary care. Consultations and diagnoses, treatments for illnesses, hospitalization, prescribed medication, X-rays, blood tests…
  • Accident coverage. Treatment of injuries caused by accidents (fractures, wounds or poisoning).
  • Liability coverage. Damages caused by the pet to third parties, as well as legal assistance in case of being sued for such damages.
  • Assistance in case of theft or loss. Compensation in case of theft of the pet or coverage for the search of the dog in case of loss.
  • Slaughter and incineration.

What conditions are not covered by dog insurance?

On the other hand, there are also conditions that, generally, are not covered by the Civil Liability Insurance for dogs. Depending on the company, it may exclude some of the following items:

  • Pre-existing diseases.
  • Hereditary or congenital diseases.
  • Esthetic treatments. Haircuts, baths, ear cleaning, etc.
  • Spaying and neutering.
  • Damages caused by negligence.

Other important points

In addition to the points mentioned above, there are two other fundamental aspects that owners should keep in mind:

  • The waiting period. This is the time that elapses from the time the insurance is contracted until you can start using certain coverages.
  • The coverage limit. Many insurances establish an annual or per-treatment limit.

Speed up the dog insurance contracting with Viafirma’s electronic signature

Insurers that use the electronic signature in pet insurance, either in health insurance or in civil liability insurance (mandatory with the Animal Welfare Law), speed up the process and reduce costs. In addition, it also considerably improves the customer’s experience, since it allows faster and safer contracting, guaranteeing legal validity and reducing the use of paper.

Viafirma, a leading company in electronic signature at national and international level, with clients in Latin America and Europe, offers you the possibility of integrating the electronic signature for insurance and the financial sector. By doing so, your insurer will gain a great competitive advantage by positioning itself as an innovative insurer, with a differentiated value proposition. Do not hesitate to contact our sales department today for more information.

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