Through the REST services layer, you can see the status of the callBackUrl process executed when the signing process reaches a final state. For this, we will use the following service:
GET /v3/notifications/group/{groupCode}/type/CALLBACK/status/{status}
Where the following variables can be defined:
- groupCode: group code
- status: state on which you want to make the query (SENT, RESENT or ERROR)
Sometimes the callbackUrl process can be set to ERROR state due to different casuistries. Viafirma Documents does not automatically forward a callbackUrl, but must be done through the front-end web if you have access or through the following service:
PUT /v3/messages/resend/callback
The following JSON should be set up in the body of the request:
Being the values url and authorization optional Also through the service, you can send callbacks in error of all messages with a same externalCode.
"messageCode": "string",
"url": "string",
"authorization": "string"
PUT messages/external/resend/callback
"externalCode": "string",
"url": "string",
"authorization": "string"
With the url and authorization values optional.