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Digital signature for international trade

In recent years, thanks to advances in technology and the encouragement of institutions and governments, international trade has become increasingly common among companies. You don’t need to be a big company to go to other markets. The digital transformation process and the digital signature will help you to internationalise your business. We explain why Viafirma can help you as an ally to address foreign markets

Did you know that the digital signature in international trade is one of the main tools that can help companies in their internationalisation strategies? The truth is that nowadays companies are expanding at an impressive speed, thanks mainly to the advance in the digital industry, globalisation and other political, social, cultural and economic processes of enormous complexity. In addition, there have been many changes in the way we understand and relate to each other, both socially and economically.

Legal framework for digital signatures in Europe

The main regulation at European level is Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 (eIDAS) on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC.

This regulation establishes a common legal framework for trust services and electronic identification means in the countries that make up the European Union, facilitating any type of electronic transaction in the territory.

The digitisation of business is another driver that has pushed companies to cross borders. The aim is to integrate new technologies in a structured and radical way, so that the way of working and the culture change profoundly and thus make the most of their benefits.

In this way, the use of electronic tools for commercial transactions will streamline domestic and international trade between entities, speeding up all the procedures and documentation involved.

digital signature for international trade

Benefits of using digital signatures in international trade

Improved mobility

The smartphone has been one of the biggest advances in this regard, facilitating the work of entrepreneurs. This improvement in mobility means that the limits of the office are removed, making it possible to close deals and sign contracts from anywhere. In this way, international expansion becomes much easier and more accessible.

In this ”virtual office”, the online signature is one of the key tools to be able to carry out the work from anywhere; as it has the same legal validity as the handwritten one, as well as a series of added advantages:

  • Just as meetings can be held via videoconferencing, agreements can also be signed remotely, from anywhere in the world thanks to online signature.
  • Great savings in transport costs.
  • It avoids delaying important processes by waiting for a day and time when all parties can agree.

Trade shows are other places where company representatives often go to establish new business relationships. If an agreement is concluded, the documents can be stored, signed on the spot and changes can be made on the mobile phone or tablet, and a copy can be sent digitally to the parties involved.

Manager returning from the office signing online

The importance of delegation

Normally, it is senior executives who have to travel the most for meetings, events or closing deals, but they also have other responsibilities within the company, so they cannot spend too much time away and neglect their other duties. The possibility to delegate using e-signature solutions makes it really useful and versatile. Tasks of lesser importance, but which also need the signature of the person in charge, can be carried out even if he or she is not present. For example, the CEO can delegate this task to his secretary to avoid unnecessary delays.

All these benefits of digital signatures can be achieved with our solutions, thanks to the innovative concept of the universal signature. All users can use it on any computer, tablet or mobile device, regardless of their operating system.

The internationalisation of a business has never been easier thanks to the technological advances available to us. The disappearance of borders is not the only condition for achieving this goal, as a series of tools are needed to make it possible.

Moreover, in today’s world, competitiveness is an essential feature for the survival of a company, and this is achieved, among other things, by implementing innovative technologies that make its performance more efficient than the rest. Thanks to these, cost savings and flexibility are achieved, which has a direct impact on the company’s profits.

Finally, there are other benefits beyond those related to international trade, such as reducing the use of paper, saving space and simplifying bureaucratic processes, thus improving the company’s productivity. In addition, all this has a positive impact on the image projected to the public.

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