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7 digital seals for a digital services company

Trust in a brand is based on digital seals and recognitions that support its professionalism and commitment to quality. If you are wondering what are the important digital seals in the field of digital services, here we tell you.

Importance of digital seals in digital services

In today’s digital era, having digital seals that certify the security and quality of a service is essential. Trust is a critical aspect for citizens and institutions to choose a specific service. Despite the growing adoption of digital solutions, many are still wary of carrying out procedures involving personal or sensitive information, especially after cybersecurity incidents.

Therefore, it is vital that companies establish a relationship of trust with their customers, optimizing their services to offer security and excellence. At Viafirma, we work continuously to achieve this goal, obtaining 8 digital seals from various organizations that validate our high standards of trust.

Digital seals supported by Viafirma

Information Security Management Systems ISO/IEC 27001

This digital seal establishes an optimized system to manage the huge amount of information handled by companies, ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. It defines processes for risk assessment and establishes actions to prevent and mitigate damage if it has occurred, and is applicable to all types of companies, regardless of their nature and activities.

It includes policies, procedures and technical implementations that involve all personnel at all levels of the company.

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems

This seal reaffirms our commitment to the environment and paperless solutions. The standard manages the environmental risks associated with business activities, improving the company’s image and production processes, and avoiding legal sanctions.

Quality Management Systems I

SO 9001:2000

This digital seal focuses on integrated quality management, seeking complete customer satisfaction through continuous process improvement. This standard touches on aspects such as quality policy, work methodologies and the resources available to execute them. Its implementation optimizes the company’s operation and is an expected standard in the market. This certification is so widespread that its achievement is practically mandatory for companies, providing them with a plus of excellence.

Sellos de confianza empresa servicios digitales


Advanced Digitized Manuscript Signature. European Agency of Digital Trust

The digitized signature is very present in society. On a daily basis we can see it in package delivery, warehouse management or production control operations, accident report signatures, etc. For the digital signature to be legally valid, it must comply with the requirements established by Article 26 of the eIDAS Regulation:

  • It must be univocally linked to the person making the signature.
  • It must allow its identification without room for error
  • It must control the information used to create the signature.
  • In case the document has been altered after the signature, this change must be detectable.

Viafirma’s solutions meet these requirements, since they allow the capture of biometric information (speed or pressure in the stroke, for example), geolocation, data of the software and hardware used, time stamping and, in addition, all the information can be compiled in a PDF document.

Certification Entity – Dominican Institute of Telecommunications

Our subsidiary in the Dominican Republic, Avansi, obtained in 2016 the recognition as Certification Entity, being the first in the country. This recognition granted by the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel) and allows us to legally issue digital certificates according to Law 126-02 of Electronic Commerce (Resolution No. 166-06). These certificates can be individual, corporate or financial entities.

Innovative SME. Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Government of Spain. 2018 – 2021

The Innovative SME seal, awarded by the Spanish government, recognizes companies in which R&D&I is present in their day-to-day operations. The requirements for collecting this distinction are legally defined in Royal Decree 475/2014, of June 13.

Thanks to the recognition as an Innovative SME, companies enjoy various benefits, such as tax benefits, in addition to participating in the Innovative Public Procurement (CPI) and accessing financing lines ICO Innovation Technological Fund.

European Commission Seals of Excellent. Horizon 2020, EU Framework Program for R&I 2014 – 2020

This Seal of Excellence awarded by the European Commission rewards the Innovation and Development (R&D) projects presented to the Horizon 2020 Program.

The criteria to follow to achieve this seal are excellence, impact, quality and ease of implementation of the projects presented. All of them will be evaluated by a group of experts of recognized prestige.

With this Seal of Excellence, companies get certain facilities to finance their projects.

So far, and for the moment, this brief review of the main seals of trust that support our day to day. In the near future we hope to expand this list that we are proud of, but that does not make us give up on our efforts to continue improving for you.

Certificate of Conformity with the National Security Scheme (ENS)

The National Security Scheme is a Law that generates the necessary conditions for confidence in the use of electronic media and is granted by AENOR. It establishes a series of measures that guarantee the security of systems, data, communications and electronic services, allowing the exercise of rights and the fulfillment of duties through these media. It is inspired by the ISO 27000 family of standards and, more specifically, by ISO 27001, so its structure and application responds to the PDCA Cycle model.

This certification certifies that there is a managed and controlled system with measures that ensure the correct protection of information systems against threats, internal or external incidents.


The digital seals that support Viafirma not only reflect our commitment with quality and security, but also strengthen the confidence of our clients in our digital services. The security in the handling of information and the excellence in the service are our priorities, and these certificates are a guarantee of it.

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