Acuerdos de colaboración en el sector logístico

Collaboration agreements: 3 tools to integrate

Do you manage logistics shipments of products or goods on a daily basis? If so, you will know firsthand the significant changes that are taking place. Customers are demanding more product availability, with delivery expectations that sometimes do not exceed one business day. This is known as ‘quick commerce‘. But it’s not the only change, and society demands that organizations adapt to new demands.

In the quest for business optimization, organizations must join forces and form collaboration agreements if they wish to maximize profits in the supply chain.

Do you want to know the secret of how companies are managing to optimize their logistics operations? Stay tuned, this will interest you!

What is collaborative logistics?

Collaborative logistics is the working system in which several companies join forces and share resources in order to optimize their logistics operations. As its name suggests, it has a more collaborative approach. While in traditional logistics, the individual benefits, whether for the business or for each party involved for itself, collaborative logistics seeks to maximize the benefits of all and the common welfare of the logistics process.

For this reason, it is essential that all agents in the supply chain have a close relationship and exchange information on demand, product availability, tracking and transport routes. From suppliers to carriers, distributors to manufacturers. This will optimize the supply chain.

Benefits of collaboration agreements

After clarifying the concept of collaborative logistics, you may have doubts about its benefits. If so, don’t worry! Below, we tell you all the advantages it brings and why more and more businesses are taking the step towards collaboration agreements:

  • Improved relations with neighboring companies. By being in direct contact with the managers of other businesses, cordial business ties are created that can lead to future strategic alliances.
  • Reduced logistics costs. By sharing resources through collaboration agreements, the costs derived from logistics services are also shared. These can range from warehousing and transportation costs to investments in new technologies.
  • Reduced environmental impact. It also has a positive impact on the environmental footprint. Using the same resources, such as the same vehicle or more optimized routes, contributes to a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Increased efficiency and more coordinated decision-making. With collaborative logistics, companies gain a higher degree of efficiency in their operations. In addition, staff and external professionals are tactically aligned and maintain constant coordination, making decision-making more agile.

Tools to enhance collaborative logistics

Did you know that today there are numerous options for integrating collaborative logistics between two or more companies? And for all preferences. From more traditional transport options to technological tools adaptable to all budgets. Regardless of how you prefer to approach it, you will no longer have an excuse to implement collaborative agreements.

  • Unitization

unification refers to the joint contracting of several businesses of a self-employed deliveryman or logistics company to carry out their shipments in a coordinated manner. That is to say, if up to now each company would have used a van or a truck, now they will use only one. In this way, thanks to their collaboration agreements, they create corporate ties while reducing costs and protecting the environment

Although this is a recent initiative, it has already become one of the most successful options for boosting sustainability in the retail sector.

  • Different operations, same warehouse

Directly related to the previous point. If several businesses organize themselves, they can share as many resources as they want. We have seen this in transportation, but warehousing can also be a great ally.

Sharing distribution centers or warehouses translates into lower leasing, management and operating costs.

  • Electronic signature

And if you are looking for a technological tool to help you digitally transform your organization, you are in the right place. Although the range of tools is wide (and each one will give you some benefits or others depending on what you are looking for), if there is a goal that unites entrepreneurs is to gain efficiency.

Cloud technology solutions enable those involved to share information and access it in real time. For example, with electronic signatures, suppliers, carriers and managers can sign documents such as digital delivery notes or invoices from anywhere, streamlining processes.

Close your collaboration agreements with Viafirma

If you have read this far, it means that you want to take the step towards collaborative logistics. Businesses that opt for this way of working strengthen their supply chain, supporting healthy competitiveness and environmental sustainability. As you have seen, there are options for everyone. We can offer you a secure electronic signature solution, legal and a reference in the market.

Contact Viafirma‘s commercial department. They will advise and guide you throughout the process, recommending you the option that best suits your corporate needs. With Viafirma’s digital solutions, you will gain in agility, efficiency and operational flexibility. Now you know: if you want to create collaboration agreements, the electronic signature is the solution you need.


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