Apretón de manos representando la transferencia de propiedad de un vehículo

Change of Ownership

You have decided to sell your vehicle and someone is interested, what now? After processing the corresponding documentation, you may have doubts about what happens with the insurance, or about how to transfer the ownership of your vehicle. If you are in this situation, don’t worry! From Viafirma we tell you how to make the change of ownership of a vehicle online, quickly and with all the security guarantees.

Conditions to be fulfilled in order to transfer the ownership of your vehicle

If you have read this far, it is because you are interested in knowing how to transfer ownership of your vehicle. However, before you begin, there are a few requirements you must meet if you wish to transfer ownership. Below, we detail them for you:

  • The vehicle must be registered and free of charges

When talking about burdens we refer to aspects such as taxes or penalties, and obligations, such as the documentation or the corresponding revisions of the car. It is also important to consider any leasing and leasing situations, as these must be resolved before proceeding with the transfer.

You can check that your vehicle is up to date by requesting a reduced report through the DGT. The operation is similar to that of a traffic light: if everything is in order and the transfer can be made, a green signal will appear; on the other hand, if there is any reason not to accept it, the signal will be orange or red.

  • Justification of payment, exemption or not subject to transfer tax (ITP)

The second requirement is linked to the justification of the payment, exemption or non subjection of the ITP, that is to say, of the Tax of Patrimonial Transmissions. The way to justify it is by means of the presentation of the models 620 or 621, or through the contribution of the invoice in the case of businessmen exercising their activity.

If you wish to consult this information in more detail, we recommend that you go to the official web page of the Dirección General de Tráfico:

Does the DGT allow the transfer of ownership of vehicles online?

Yes, the Dirección General de Tráfico allows the transfer of ownership of vehicles online. It is a simple and fast procedure, which is why many citizens choose it as their favorite way. However, it is also possible to carry out this procedure in person at one of the DGT offices or Headquarters.

Steps to be followed during the procedure

In the case of choosing the digital means to make the transfer of ownership, you must complete a form on the DGT’s own website under the name ‘Transfer or change of ownership of a vehicle’. The process must be done by the buyer within a maximum period of 30 days from the signing of the contract, and must indicate:

  • If the new owner is a private individual, company or vehicle purchase and sale company.
  • Special cases: donation, death or specific characteristics of the vehicle.

Once filled in and in order to finalize the procedure, the service must be accessed by authentication, choosing between the digital certificate, electronic ID or your cl@ve credentials. The next steps will be to pay the corresponding fee and attach the document proving the payment of the Transfer Tax.

After reviewing everything, if it is in order, the new vehicle documentation will be sent to the indicated address.

Do you want to access your digital certificate from any computer?

As you have seen, to carry out this online procedure you only need to meet the prerequisites and have a digital certificate, electronic ID or cl@ve. With this, you will be able to do it from the comfort of a computer or mobile device.

But, do you want to be able to use your digital certificate from any computer? Imagine being able to do all kinds of procedures that require digital identification in your work or personal device. With Viafirma’s digital solutions, it is possible.

Our digital certificate manager will benefit you on a daily basis:

  • You will not use external devices;
  • Say goodbye to forgetting passwords;
  • You will have total control of the use and audits of the processes;
  • You will be able to enable certificate access to specific websites and applications, as well as specific time slots.

Interested in learning more? Then contact our sales department. Our professionals will listen to your needs and will guide you through the process. With Viafirma, you will say goodbye to problems and technical difficulties related to the use of digital certificates and digital identification.


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