3 soluciones para aumentar ventas comerciales

3 solutions to increase commercial sales

The commercial department is responsible for building relationships with customers and ensuring the successful sale of the company’s products or services. Currently, the main responsible for increasing commercial sales are digital channels. This is stated by experts on LinkedIn: “Salespeople and salespeople who leverage digital sales generate more sales opportunities by 45%” (Triario, 2023).

How to increase the productivity of your sales team

Regardless of the sector in which your company operates, to increase commercial sales you must have an effective sales strategy. Of course, a strategy does not guarantee you will close a greater number of business deals, but it does open doors and possibilities. To this end, the best advice we can give you is to develop strategic, valuable ideas.

And, in order to develop them, you must be aware of the demands of the sector in which your organization operates and know the public you are targeting. It is important to know our competitors and the strategies they use to attract and retain customers, since the more information you gather, the more detailed and accurate your idea will be. Once this knowledge is internalized, you will be able to present robust value propositions to a specific segmentation of the target audience.

Strategies to increase commercial sales

Here are 3 effective ways to increase business sales:

  • Electronic signature

If incorporated, sales reps would save considerable time in sending emails or making follow-up calls to track the signature status of documents. Thanks to electronic signature APIs, we can see at a glance whether they have already been signed. And, thus, spend time on the objective behind each process: connecting with other potential customers and creating solid relationships that lead to new sales.

In our case, there are hundreds of success stories of companies that have increased their commercial sales thanks to Viafirma’s solutions. The health sector, the public sector or the technological sector are some of the fields in which Viafirma has positively impacted, but its application extends to all the ones you can consider. We bet on 100% own technology, contributing to the care of the environment and the preservation of natural resources for future generations.

  • Email marketing

You may be familiar with the concepts ’email marketing’ or ‘mailing’, and it makes sense. Email marketing was one of the first pioneering practices in the field of digital marketing and, although it arrived a few years ago, it is still being used today. In fact, many specialists position it in their ranking of preferred marketing actions due to its high capabilities to create emotional bonds with customers in a very direct way.

Its main impacts? It can far exceed the conversions obtained in a social media campaign, promotes upselling (encourages the user to buy related or complementary items to another) and can be adapted to all types of businesses.

  • Provides free trials or demonstrations

How do you expect to increase sales if the customer has not previously had the opportunity to explore it for himself? It is a risky strategy, but you must understand that, for the customer, it is also risky to choose a brand that he doesn’t know. That’s why we must bring our product closer to them. How do we do it? With a free trial. With it, the customer will be able to see firsthand how your product works and the great service you offer as a company. If you add to that the possibility of meeting with the customers who have the most difficulties, you will stand out from the competition. After this, perhaps not all users will become customers, but many will, and if they have a good experience, they are likely to recommend you.

Each strategy is unique. Therefore, our recommendations are only a flexible guide. To develop the one that best suits your organization, you will need to develop a strategic plan tailored to your corporate needs. Book a meeting with our sales team now and find out how e-signatures can help you.


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